
Age: 12 • Born: September 1, 2012 • Country: Latin America Gender: Female

Lily was hosted through Kidsave this summer but still needs a forever family!

Lily – Birthdate:  September 2012

Meet Lily, an energetic 11-year-old in search of an adoptive family. She’s a bundle of activity, finding joy in skating, swimming, and various sports that keep her on the move. When it comes to her culinary preferences, there’s no contest—pizza reigns as her absolute favorite food, and she can never get enough of its cheesy goodness.

Described as both athletic and smart, Lily embodies a perfect balance of physical prowess and intellectual curiosity. Whether she’s gliding on ice or tackling her homework, she brings her determination and enthusiasm to everything she does. With her vibrant personality and love for life, Lily is sure to bring laughter and adventure to any family ready to welcome her into their hearts. Please contact Kidsave at if you’re interested in meeting Lily!

Her host family says, “Lily is very polite, neat, and sweet. She’s open to adventures and enjoys trying new things. She’s learning to ride a bike and bake new recipes. While she is shy at first, once she opens up to you and you see her laugh, you can see the kid in her come out.”

Kidsave Summer Miracles

Kidsave’s Summer Miracles program gives older orphans (ages 11-14) from Colombia a chance at a family. With little likelihood of adoption in their own country, our Summer Miracles kids travel to the U.S. for a memorable five-week stay with a host family over the summer.

While the kids are here, they learn about U.S. culture, attend summer camp, and experience life in an American family. Host families  work with Kidsave staff and volunteers to help engage their local communities to get to know the kids and find them an adoptive family. Many of our host families adopt the children they host.

(The names of the kids posted in the gallery have been changed to protect their confidentiality.)

Interested in adopting Lily?

Schedule a phone consultation today.