Ivy & Miley

Age: 9 & 13 • Born: February 1, 2011 • Country: Latin America Gender: Female, Sibling Group

Ivy and Miley were hosted through Kidsave this summer but still need a forever family!

Ivy – Birthdate: May 2015

Miley – Birthdate: February 2011

Ivy and Miley, 9 & 13, are two vibrant sisters, each with their unique talents and interests, who are eagerly looking for their forever family. Ivy, the younger sister at 9 years old, is a bundle of energy and creativity. She loves to wear dresses and play around with fashion. Ivy is both artistic and athletic, finding joy in painting beautiful pictures and playing soccer with her friends. She also enjoys riding her bicycle around the neighborhood, feeling the wind in her hair. Her favorite foods are simple yet delicious – she loves nothing more than a tasty meal of eggs and cheese.

Miley, at 13 years old, is spirited and multi-talented. She shares her sister’s love for sports, excelling in soccer, basketball, and gymnastics. Miley’s athleticism is matched by her passion for the arts; she enjoys dancing, singing, and painting. Her favorite foods are meat, avocados, and mangos. Miley has big dreams for her future, aspiring to become either a veterinarian, where she can care for animals, or an actor, where she can bring stories to life.

Together, Ivy and Miley make a dynamic duo, supporting each other in their diverse interests and shared love for soccer. With their warm hearts and infectious enthusiasm, Ivy and Miley are sure to bring joy and excitement to their new home, creating cherished memories and forging unbreakable bonds with their forever family. Please contact us if you’re interested in meeting them!

Their host family says, “Miley is a sweet 13-year-old who likes art and playing games. She’s easygoing and gets along will with others. Ivy is a bright, outgoing 9-year old who enjoys drawing, playing, and watching funny movies!”

Kidsave Summer Miracles

Kidsave’s Summer Miracles program gives older
orphans (ages 11-14) from Colombia a chance at a family. With little likelihood
of adoption in their own country, our Summer Miracles kids travel to the U.S.
for a memorable five-week stay with a host family over the summer.

While the kids are here, they learn about U.S. culture, attend summer camp,
and experience life in an American family. Host families  work with
Kidsave staff and volunteers to help engage their local communities to get to
know the kids and find them an adoptive family. Many of our host families adopt
the children they host.

(The names of the kids posted in the gallery have been changed to protect
their confidentiality.)

Interested in adopting Ivy & Miley?

Schedule a phone consultation today.