A 50-Year History of Impact
Since we were founded in 1974, we have helped:
Touch the lives of more than 1,000,000 individuals through our work
Prevent 25,000 children living in crisis from becoming orphans
Transform the lives of 25,000 families through child sponsorship
Keep 25,000 individuals from starving through food aid
Build 13,338 families through adoption
Improve the future of 25,000 abandoned and orphaned children living in care
Keep 500,000 individuals from dying from disease through medical care
Ensure 15,000 children had access to quality education and the supports needed to succeed
Counsel more than 20,000 families pre- and post-adoption
our way
Through our work with orphans, we learned early on that a loving and stable family provides the best outcome for a child. We also learned that many of the young children we had met that we thought were orphans actually had families of their own… but their families were so poor, they couldn’t afford to feed them. Driven by a gut-wrenching decision to keep their children alive by giving them up to an orphanage, these families have made the most difficult decision of their lives. Imagine facing that kind of decision.
Knowing this gave us a clear focus: To do everything we can to help prevent a child from becoming an orphan in the first place. And for those children who are truly orphaned when we first meet them, we do everything we can to help build nurturing families within an orphanage or through adoption.
We help keep families intact by:
- Intervening early before the family gets overwhelmed
- Providing the food and other essentials they need to survive and stabilize
- Offering small-business services and other critical counsel and classwork they need so they can thrive
We call this holistic suite of services Family Preservation
For children who have no family, we help them build one by placing them in:
We Listen, Deliver and Evaluate
- We listen to those living in crisis and provide them with what they tell us they need
- We tailor these supplies and services to the unique requirements of each child and family
- We continuously monitor and evaluate the impact of our work, maximizing its effect wherever we can
In their words…
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