Melanie & Yarden

Age: 16 & 11 • Country: Host Opportunity - Latin America Gender: Sibling Group

Kidsave Winter Host Opportunity!

Melanie and Yarden, 16 and 11, need a forever family.

Meet Melanie and Yarden, a dynamic sibling duo in need of a forever family where they can grow and thrive together.

Melanie, 16, is a vibrant, athletic teen who loves staying active and being around people. Whether she’s playing sports, listening to music, or spending time with pets, Melanie brings energy and enthusiasm to everything she does. Her favorite subject in school is PE, and she’s got a particular fondness for Bandeja pasta. Smart and sociable, Melanie dreams of becoming a nurse, where she can combine her love for helping others with her passion for staying active.

11-year-old Yarden, on the other hand, has a more artistic side. He enjoys drawing, reading, and listening to music, finding peace and creativity in his quiet moments. Yarden’s favorite foods include pasta, lasagna, and lentils, and he’s already set his sights on a future as a civil engineer, where he can build and create things that last. Despite their different interests, Melanie and Yarden share a deep bond and a mutual love for music, which is a constant in both their lives.

Melanie and Yarden are open to joining either a single mom household or a two-parent household, where they hope to find love, stability, and the support they need to pursue their dreams. Together, they’re excited to find a place they can truly call home.

Please contact Kidsave at to learn more about hosting Melanie and Yarden!

Kidsave Winter Miracles – Host a Child This Winter

Kidsave’s Winter Miracles program gives older orphans (ages 11-14) from Colombia a chance at a family. With little likelihood of adoption in their own country, our Winter Miracles kids travel to the U.S. for a memorable three-week stay with a host family in December.

While the kids are here, they learn about U.S. culture and experience life in an American family. Host families  work with Kidsave staff and volunteers to help engage their local communities to get to know the kids and find them an adoptive family. Many of our host families adopt the children they host.

(The names of the kids posted in the gallery have been changed to protect their confidentiality.)

Interested in adopting Melanie & Yarden?

Schedule a phone consultation today.