Consultation & Education for Adoptive Parents


(1 hour)

Adoption is complex. Wide Horizons For Children can support you and your family. With our Consultation & Education service, expert, specially trained staff can work with you one-on-one to help address a range of adoption-related issues including:

  • Openness in adoption
  • Talking about birth family
  • Family dynamics and adoption adjustment
  • Trauma history and how it impacts development
  • Educational issues for adopted children
  • Responding to challenging behaviors
  • Identifying the right time for birth family search and travel back

Through Consultation & Education, our staff can help:

  • Evaluate the needs of your child and recommend strategies and interventions that will be helpful
  • Explore your family’s unique challenges and develop a plan to navigate them with additional support
  • Assess your child’s understanding and developmental appropriateness of their adoption story