
Special Needs China Adoption

New Chance For Cordelia

Cordelia had no future in China. As an orphan with Down syndrome, there was virtually no chance of her being adopted. Under Chinese law, once children turn 14, they can’t be adopted at all. That’s when a Massachusetts teacher entered the picture.

Adoption from USA | Wide Horizons For Children

Funding Permanent Families

A Massachusetts couple knew they wanted to adopt Jacob, whose mother had struggled with addiction. Once they committed to the newborn baby, WHFC was able to provide them with subsidies to help them complete the process.

Adopting an Older Child

Older Child Gets Second Chance

After being abandoned as a child and many years in an orphanage, Nubia took part in a WHFC program with our partner Kidsave. Through that program, she met the couple that would eventually adopt her.

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