Burundi Adoption
Wide Horizons For Children has been licensed as an NGO in Burundi since 2010. Orphaned children ages 2-10 (single children and sibling groups) are eligible for adoption, but families are especially needed for children ages 5 and older. Burundi is a Hague Convention Country. The Foreign Provider is the Central Authority of the Republic of Burundi, which is the Ministry of National Solidarity, Human Rights, and Gender.

Burundi Adoption FAQs
Q: Am I eligible for the Burundi program?
A: To apply to this program, you must meet the following criteria:
- Married heterosexual couples or single women, ages 30-55.
- Couples must have been married and living together for at least five years at the time of referral.
- Applicants must be in good physical and mental health. Please contact Wide Horizons For Children to discuss specific eligibility requirements.
- All applicants should have a clean criminal history. However, some minor infractions may be accepted.
Q: Who sets the eligibility requirements?
A: Country-specific eligibility requirements for adoptive parents are determined by adoption officials in the child’s country of birth. In Burundi, adoption requirements are determined by the Central Authority of the Government of the Republic of Burundi – the Ministry of National Solidarity, Human Rights and Gender.
Q: Who are the children available in Burundi?
- Boys and girls ages 2-10 years old are eligible for adoption, although families are especially needed for children ages 5 and up.
- Single children or sibling groups
- You may request a specific gender only if adopting a child who is 5 or older.
- Children are cared for in orphanages.
- Although most children adopted from Burundi are considered healthy, nearly all of them have had some level of food insecurity or malnutrition.
- The Central Authority will deem a child eligible for adoption only after a minimum stay of one year in an orphanage or foster home. Children with no known birth relatives may be referred by child welfare authorities for adoption after a process of eligibility due to abandonment is completed. Orphaned children with known birth relatives who cannot raise them may be relinquished for adoption by a legal guardian with the approval of the Central Authority.
Q: How long does it take to adopt from Burundi?
A: We expect most families to receive a referral 12–18 months after the date their dossier is submitted to the Central Authority. Families who are open to children over the age of 5 may have a shorter wait. Timeframes are always subject to change….sometimes becoming shorter, sometimes longer.
Q: Is it an option to adopt a Waiting Child from Burundi?
A: Currently, there are rarely Waiting Children in our Burundi Program. We have learned about most of the children placed through our program when they have been matched by the Central Authority with a family on our wait list. However, this may change in the future and we we may have children with identified medical needs in our Waiting Child program. Most families who request a Waiting Child match have their child home in under one year. Eligibility requirements are generally flexible, and photos and medical information can be reviewed prior to match. Adoption subsidies are often available. Waiting Children.
Q: Will I need to travel to Burundi?
A: In order to bring your child home, you should expect one three week trip, which includes time in Burundi and Kenya. You are also likely to travel 9 to 12 months after receiving your referral. Adoptions are completed under Burundian law prior to the arrival of the adoptive parents.
You will spend your first two weeks in Burundi getting to know your child. You will also sightsee and meet with the Central Authority. Accommodations in Bujumbura vary from resort settings to small guest homes. French and English are widely spoken.
The second part of your trip is spent in Nairobi, Kenya, obtaining your child’s U.S.-required medical exam and immigrant visa. You will be accompanied by an in-country representative in both countries throughout your stay.
Q: How much does an adoption from Burundi cost?
Financing Your Adoption explains how Wide Horizons For Children structures adoption fees and provides information on funding your adoption.
Download the Adoption Information Guide for specific fee sheets on each Wide Horizons For Children adoption program.

We always knew international adoption was a way we wanted our family to grow. In April 2019, our 3 bio kids were 2, 4, and 6-years old… November 2, 2020 we got an email that changed our family forever. We had been matched with a 3-year-old little boy! Our journey to have Tyler in our arms was 2 1/2 years long… We would do it again to have him here with us, he is the perfect fit for our family. He is a child full of life, joyful and eager to learn… He has the best laugh and is an inspiration to all who hear his story!
— Crowe Family