Keep an At-Risk Child from Starving



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Hunger Relief Fund
Family Preservation Fund

Food Security Is a Complex Issue

But getting nutritious food daily shouldn’t be

The vulnerable children we serve live in areas of great poverty. This means that without your help, they often go hungry and are at risk of starvation because they can’t access food or afford to buy it. For children, extended periods of hunger take a physical toll that stays with them for life. It can stunt their growth, increase their vulnerability to illness and slow their cognitive development.

Our Nutrition Programs


Our Child Sponsorship programs ensure all participating families have the food they need. In addition, parents receive nutrition counseling and advice on how to improve food security from their social worker. We’re currently running a feeding program for a small group of children in the north who have no other source of food. We will soon be starting up school feeding programs in the south that will provide children with a nutritious lunch every school day.


All families in our Child Sponsorship programs receive monthly food baskets that ensure they have at least two good meals a day. With our partners, we run a school feeding program through the local Community Center that gives kids a hot meal after school.


We ensure that our partner orphanage has enough infant formula for all babies in their care. All families in our new Family Reunification program receive monthly food baskets. This guarantees that they get at least two nourishing meals a day. We will soon be starting up a feeding program for our Family Reunification families at our partner orphanage.


In their words…

Kamali was born with a health problem (asthma) and she was hospitalized for 2 month after birth. Her mother also died while giving birth to her and her father could not take care of her with her health condition. She was, therefore, taken care by her aunt after her mother’s death. She was brought at the orphanage by her aunt. She has now recovered well from asthma and she is now in second year of nursery school. —Kamali Orphanage Director, Burundi
Meleak was brought by his father at the orphanage 2 months after birth. His mother died after giving birth to him. He is a 7th child in his family. After his mother died, he was being breastfed by his aunt but could not manage 2 children therefore they had to look for another alternative. He was in a serious malnutrition when he was first brought at the orphanage but due the availability of milk, was able to recover and is now in good health. Very soon he will start nursery school. —Meleak Orphanage Director, Burundi

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